Conference Trailer
Proceedings vol. 1 & 2 (136 MB)
Conference Photos
Photo Poster
Disaster Management in Action

Important Dates

Abstract submission for the Conference proceedings

Full paper submission for the Springer Book
Notification of acceptance of abstracts Notification of acceptance of full papers Final full paper submission for the Springer Book Payment of early registration fee Extended until May 6

Final full paper submission for the Conference proceedings

Regular registration
5th ICCGIS Conference dates Seminar dates

Conference Topics

  • Cartography Concepts in BigData Environment
  • GIS Technologies and Related Disciplines
  • Web Cartography and Digital Atlases
  • Map Design and Production
  • Cartographic Visualization
  • Volunteer Geographic Information
  • Virtual Geographic Environment
  • Cartography and GIS in Education
  • GPS Technologies
  • Contemporary problems using geodetic coordinate
    systems and map projections
  • Geospatial data acquisition by remote sensing technologies
    for cartographic purposes
  • GIS for Geology and Natural Sciences

Seminar with EU Cooperation on Early Warning & Disaster / Crisis Management Topics

  • European, Asian and World Concepts for Crises Management (CM)
    and Early Warning (EW)
  • Visualization of Geodata and Geoinformation in CM and EW
  • User Needs and Context Mapping
  • From Discovery to Full Interoperability in CM and EW
  • SDI and CM: INSPIRE Influence
  • "Speaking the Same Language - Semantic Aspects of CM"
  • Sensor Mapping for EW and CM

ICA Commissions Meetings

  • Commission on Cartography and Children
  • Commission on Cartography in Early Warning and Crisis Management
  • Commission on Map Projections

Keynote Speakers

Secretariat Director of the intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations (GEO)

"Building a Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)"

Short CV
ICA Secretary General and Treasurer, HUNGARY

"From the early digital technologies to web 2.0 based cartography in the thematic maps"

Short CV
Assoc. Prof. SISI ZLATANOVA, Dr.
Leader of a research group "Geo-information for Crisis Response" at the GIS Technology section, TU Delft, The NETHERLANDS

"3D GIS: the technology behind the pretty 3D picture"

Short CV

Sponsor Keynote Speakers

Global Education Manager, ESRI, USA

"Cartography and other Key Components of the GIS Platform for a Mobile-first World"

Short CV
Regional Channel Manager for Central and South-Eastern Europe, Hexagon Geospatial, HUNGARY

"21 century GIS workflows - Fusing the Real and Digital World"

Short CV

Abstract/Paper Submission

This conference foresees two publications: Conference proceedings and Springer book.

Conference proceedings

Papers intended for the Conference proceedings might be technical papers, company and institution developments, cases studies, practical solutions or research in progress. Authors must submit an abstract (200 - 300 words). Abstracts will be reviewed by one or two members of the Scientific Committee. The abstracts will be reviewed for their clarity, usability and contribution to research and development. Papers accepted on the basis of abstract will be published online and in ISSN Proceedings.

The best papers will be proposed for publishing in a book - working title:
Thematic Cartography for Society

Publisher: SPRINGER
Editors: Bandrova T., Konecny M., Zlatanova S.

Book Topics

  • User-friendly Internet and Web Cartography
  • User-oriented Map Design and Production
  • Context-oriented Cartographic Visualization
  • Map interfaces for Volunteered Geographic Information
  • Sensing Technologies and their integration with Maps
  • Cartography in Education

Papers intended for the book should report new techniques, technology developments, frameworks or best practices, which are not published elsewhere and are within the scope of the planned book. Authors must submit full papers (max 10 pages) in Springer format. These papers will be evaluated on their originality, novelty, and impact. Full papers will be double-blind reviewed by at least two member of the Scientific Committee. The papers should be cover topics.

Papers which are not accepted for Book publication could be proposed for publication in Conference Proceedings.


A special exhibition of maps, cartographic products, GIS, hardware and software will be hosted during the Conference.


The official language of the Conference is English.